Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 Months Has Come and Gone!

I can't believe Lydia is 6 months old already! That means just one more month until she gets to meet her new girl cousins, Layla and Mikayla!

Here are some of the things we've been up to; Lydia loves to sleep in our bed (a bad habit we are trying to break), she can sit up unassisted for a short while, she laughs when you change her poopy diapers, she sticks anything and everything in her mouth, she has tried several types of fruits and veggies and likes them all, she has had her first cold/fever, she took her first vacation to Phoenix, she can roll over both ways, she smiles when we get out the camera, and when we come home from work she is happy to see us! Time flies when you're having fun!

A must have for Phoenix sun!

Hiking in the 'mountains' in Phoenix

'Auntie Nicole'

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lydia and Ben

Hangin' out

Ben came to visit Lydia yesterday while his Mommy Amy went to work for the first time! They are only two weeks apart but Ben has outgrown her by far! It was very interesting for me to try and figure out how to feed two babies at the same time and what to do when they both wanted to be held, and of course, it would be silly for either of them to want to take a nap during that time. I also thought that it would be a brilliant idea to get both babies naked since they both love it so much, I didn't realize that boys don't just pee on themselves but they pee all over that whole room, Ben wore a loin cloth after that. I don't know how people with twins do it, I was pretty worn out after only 4 hours!

Naked Tummy Time!


Ben's Loin Cloth

Little Nakeds!

Entertaining two Babies!

How to Hold 2 Babies!