Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Party

Lydia is always ready to rock

So apparently we suck and no one bothered to tell us. By 11:30, out of all the people who said they were coming, the only people who had showed up to our party were our best and closest friends and family; Steph and Joe, Linzey and Jake, and Jessie and Kellen. We were about to call it quits when our friends Lindsay and Bob showed up with 6 other people and the party finally started. We were able to get rid of most of the champagne and watch the ball drop together at least. Next year, I'm sleeping through New Year's, it's overrated and lame.


Amy said...

Oh no! I'm one of those bad friends! Dani, we were SO going to come. We were both excited to finally get out of the house! If only we'd remembered it was New Year's! Haha.

We didn't make resolutions, watch the ball drop, or even know it was 2009 until sometime later. Talk about being bums,,,hope you'll forgive us this time!

Nicole said...

Hey... I would've been there only, I live in another state. I agree with you completely about it being extremely over rated. We counted down with New York... didn't see the ball drop then we just dropped like flies! Out at 10:05!!! YaY!
Happy New Year!