Lydia had her first Christmas this year! Santa didn't bring her any presents at home but her stocking had socks and a rattle in it. And from everyone else, thankfully, all she got was a couple of cute outfits and some books and toys. That's all little babies really 'need' although Lydia always 'needs' new outfits! My Dad thought that he should have gotten me more dolls when I was younger so that I don't feel the need to dress my little daughter up in ridiculous outfits all the time, but it's just in my nature and we both have fun trying on new things!
We were able to visit my parents and Corey's parents and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Mmmm... Oh, and I got a new salt water fish tank! I am so excited and can't wait to put fish and coral in it. And Corey got a snow blower, a blu ray player, a TV, a fridge, a new air conditioner, and some slippers.
Now on to New Year's...we are hosting a party at our house, so I'll let y'all know how that goes. Happy Holidays!
And her favorite toy of all, a gloworm..
What? I still spit up on Christmas.
My Grandpa
Lydia's Fish Face Lydia turned 3 months today, whoa, does time go fast. She smiles all the time now, she is such a flirt. She even laughs and giggles a lot, too. She is constantly talking and making new sounds, I can't wait to see what she's like when we can understand her. I wonder what she is going to do next...
She also sleeps 'like a baby' through the night for 8-10 hours, it's amazing. She won't nap really at all during the day, though, and she likes to eat every two hours so our days are busy finding things to do that she likes. We love her so much and she is such a good baby. What did I do to deserve this? I hope I don't get it later...
I am writing this so that other new mommies will know that no matter how hard they try, it's impossible to be perfect but their babies will turn out fine and they will love you anyway.
One of the first nights we had Lydia home I was very careful to make sure the cats were not in her room before I shut the door. In the morning when I opened her door a cat ran out of the room! I shrieked and ran to the crib and she was fine, sound asleep.
We always try to put a hat on her head before she goes to sleep so that she can stay warm and I found a cute little hat that was long and pointed and we had been using that for sleepy-time. One morning I went in her room and saw that the hat had slipped down over her head down to her nose and she was wiggling around trying to get it off! I yanked it off her head nervously and she looked up at me and smiled, she was fine. Needless to say, she doesn't sleep with that hat anymore.
Another time, I was trying to give her some vitamins with a dropper and I put the dropper too far down the back of her throat and she gagged, coughed, and then ralphed all over me and her. I laid her down to change her and she started smiling and laughing at me, and she was fine.
This is the reality of motherhood and anyone who tells you differently is mistaken.
Oh yeah, and try to make sure seat belt is all the way off baby before removing them from the carseat...
I get silly after I drink too much milk. My Mommy and Daddy call me Smooshy because I squish all over the place and can't quite keep my eyes open. Being a baby is tough work I'll tell ya. I wonder when I'm going to eat again...
Being a father is hard work. He gets the baby after she's done eating and she's all sleepy. He's always somehow conviniently gone when she messes or blows out her diapers. He also didn't get so swollen that he still can't put on his wedding ring or fit in his shoes just right. Next time, he can get pregnant and birth a 8lb. 10oz. baby.
Being a mother is the hardest thing that I have ever done! It is also the most rewarding experience that I have ever had. I can't wait until she wakes up so that I can see her happy smiling face. I can't think of anything but her and I want nothing more than to make her happy. It's amazing that everyday she does something new and I love her even more!
I really lucked out, she is so peaceful and she sleeps through the night. Last night she slept from 10pm to 8am! No wonder she doesn't like to nap at all during the day. I have changed so much since having her and I can't imagine my life without her even though my clothes are covered in spit up and she likes to explode her diapers. It's funny what things make me happy now like poop and waking up in the middle of the night.
If only I didn't have to go back to work so that I could spend every day with her, any takers on funding this plan?
This is my first time blogging and I have no idea what or why I am doing this. Maybe someone will want to read the silly thoughts that I write or check out the cute pics of my new baby, we'll see...