I am writing this so that other new mommies will know that no matter how hard they try, it's impossible to be perfect but their babies will turn out fine and they will love you anyway.
One of the first nights we had Lydia home I was very careful to make sure the cats were not in her room before I shut the door. In the morning when I opened her door a cat ran out of the room! I shrieked and ran to the crib and she was fine, sound asleep.
We always try to put a hat on her head before she goes to sleep so that she can stay warm and I found a cute little hat that was long and pointed and we had been using that for sleepy-time. One morning I went in her room and saw that the hat had slipped down over her head down to her nose and she was wiggling around trying to get it off! I yanked it off her head nervously and she looked up at me and smiled, she was fine. Needless to say, she doesn't sleep with that hat anymore.
Another time, I was trying to give her some vitamins with a dropper and I put the dropper too far down the back of her throat and she gagged, coughed, and then ralphed all over me and her. I laid her down to change her and she started smiling and laughing at me, and she was fine.
This is the reality of motherhood and anyone who tells you differently is mistaken.
Oh yeah, and try to make sure seat belt is all the way off baby before removing them from the carseat...
Amen and amen! I knew Ben had eaten, was diapered and was tired this morning, so I put him down for a nap. He cried, but I just stayed out of the room and kept telling myself he was fine, just tired. Well, I went in after 10 minutes and he had ralfed all over! Poor kid! But he fell asleep soon after I got him all cleaned up. At least I was right about the tired part, right?! :) You're a great mom.
HaHaHa... Oh the joys! I'm glad it's you and not me anyway! She's really cute though. Beautiful little eyes!
This is the greatest, and so true!
I'm not a mom, nor do I plan to be in the near future, but I have worked with kids for many many years, and this is a lesson I had to learn too! Kids are resilient, they bounce back. mistakes happen, especially as they get older and can walk and talk and put things in their mouths. I know it'll be different with my own kids, but that's why I'm glad I've got two sisters ahead of me to teach me the tricks!! :)
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